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Winnipeg Public Library
Millennium Library


251 Donald St.

Today's hours:

Branch Information

  • Hours of Operation

  • Contact

    Circulation (accounts):
    Information Services:
  • Mailing Address

    251 Donald St.
    Winnipeg, MB
    R3C 3P5
  • Meeting Spaces

    (Call or visit us to book) Program Rooms: None
    Capacity: N/A
    Tutorial Rooms: 2
    Capacity: 4, 4
    More about meeting spaces
  • Wheelchair Access

    All areas are wheelchair accessible
  • Book Return

    West side of building and in the lobby
  • Closest Bus Stops:

    # 10614 Westbound Graham at Donald (Canada Life Centre)
    # 10615 Eastbound Graham at Smith (Canada Life Centre)
  • Parking

    Street parking and parking lots are widely available. See Parking Map.
  • Free Wifi

    Available whenever the library is open

To search for books or other materials, visit the Search catalogue. You can order materials from any branch and have them sent to this location for pickup.

About the Library

Collections and Programs

Millennium Library is the main library of the Winnipeg Public Library system. Items for loan include an extensive collection of Adult and Children's fiction and non-fiction, graphic novels, magazines, music, audiobooks, video games (Xbox, PS4, Nintendo Wii & Switch) and movies (DVDs and Blu-ray). Music scores, adult literacy and ESL, braille books for children, books in over 30 languages, and maps are just some of the special collections found.

As a branch of Winnipeg Public Library, members can also access an extensive eLibrary for downloadable eBooks, eMagazines, information resources and online journals, and streaming movies and music.

Teen Central on the main floor provides fiction and non-fiction, as well as computers and study space for teens only.

The second floor has resources for accessible services and collections such as DAISY books, descriptive video, audiobooks and large type books.

Indigenous Resources Collection materials for children are housed in Ah kha koo gheesh (Groundhog Place - Children Emerge from Learning) on the first floor. Indigenous Resources Collection materials for adults are found on the second floor in Wii ghoss (Birch Bark Centre).

The Writer-in-Residence is available during the fall and winter months for one-on-one feedback for emerging writers. Community Crisis Workers provide help with finding resources for housing, employment, counseling and more.

A Local History Room on the fourth floor is a reference-only collection showcasing the rich community history of Manitoba, and includes Henderson Directories, resources on the history of Winnipeg, genealogy resources, and a book scanner.

The Library offers programs and workshops for all ages, including concerts, lectures, computer workshops and family programming. Browse our Upcoming Events to find what's on. Some programs require registration. All library programs are free.

Facility and Services

Millennium Library is located between Graham and Donald Streets (opposite the Canada Life Centre and beside cityplace mall). The library has the Blankstein Art Gallery available to book for monthly exhibits for free. Public art, including several pieces commissioned through the City of Winnipeg Public Art Program, is throughout the library.

View the Millennium Library floor plans.

View a map of the Millennium Library meeting rooms and auditorium.

View a map of the Millennium Library Carol Shields Auditorium.

Take a Virtual Tour of Millennium Library!

The Library has bookable computers with MS Office and Internet access, and free WiFi. There are tables for studying. Photocopying and printing is available for a fee. Scanning to email is free.

Millennium library has a SAD light therapy lamp for use onsite, year round.

For your convenience, there is a 24/7 book return on the right side (west) of the building, as well as in the front lobby. The lobby also houses the Best of Friends Gift Shop and a Transit Kiosk.


Centennial Library opened May 4, 1977 to commemorate Winnipeg's centenary, and to replace the Carnegie-funded former main branch at 380 William Avenue (now the City of Winnipeg archives). From 2003-2005, the Centennial Library underwent a complete renovation and extensive addition, reopening as the Millennium Library on November 8, 2005. The Millennium Library is a signature building in downtown Winnipeg. The 160,850 sq. ft. Library has won several architecture awards including the Canadian Architect Award of Excellence in 2004, Prairie Design Award of Merit in 2006 and the Governor General's Medal in Architecture, 2008. In 2022, Lighting and carpeting were replaced throughout the building with work completed in March, 2023.

Upcoming Events at Millennium Library

Please visit the full Library Hours page if you do not see hours on this page.
Last update: December 27, 2024

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