Volunteer Opportunities
Winnipeg Public Library has several opportunities available to volunteer for adults. Volunteer needs fluctuate and placements may not be immediately available. For more information on each role and openings, please contact us as below.
- West End Literacy and Learning Program (WELL): Volunteer tutors aged 18+ assist the instructor in our Adult Literacy Program — a program for learners to improve their basic reading, writing, speaking, and math skills. For information on volunteering as a tutor call Chris at 204-391-2703 or send Chris an email. WELL Volunteer Position Description. Note: We do not need volunteers at this time.
- English Conversation Groups: Volunteers lead weekly (in-person) or biweekly (online) groups in basic English conversation. Orientations and training provided. For more information, please call Chris at 204-391-2703 or send Chris an email. EAL Volunteer Position Description.
- Winnipeg Public Library Board and Library Advisory Committees: Serve on one of the Library's citizen advisory boards. Appointments to the Library Board and Library Advisory Committees are made for two-year terms, to a maximum of six years. For more information, see the Library Board page or contact 311.
- Friends of the Winnipeg Public Library: An organization for people committed to assisting the Library in providing the best possible library system through fundraising and other support. For more information, see the Friends’ volunteer page or leave a message at 204-488-3217.
Manitoba Library
Association, Prison Libraries Committee (MLA-PLC)
Winnipeg Public Library supports the MLA-PLC with space to operate their activities and partnered programs. Volunteers of the MLA-PLC gather suitable books and deliver them to various correctional centres in Winnipeg, Headingly and The Pas. Volunteers also run programs in the correctional centres including book exchanges, a book club and writing workshops. For more information on how to donate, support, or volunteer, visit mla.mb.ca/content/prison-libraries-committee.
Last update:
February 23, 2023