Can the ideaMILL staff help me with my project?
Yes — to a certain extent. ideaMILL staff are not experts but are happy to introduce you to our equipment. Staff will answer questions to the best of their ability and can point you in the direction of helpful tutorials to aid in your learning of the equipment.
Can I borrow equipment and take it home?
No, all ideaMILL equipment must stay within the ideaMILL for the duration of the booking.
How long will it take to get my 3D print?
It depends on the length of our printing queue at the time you submit. We've had our queue as long as a month, or as short as a few days. We can't guarantee the date your item will be ready, so if you'd like it by a certain date submit your job with plenty of time to spare.
Can I book a piece of equipment for the entire day?
There is a four-hour cap on ideaMILL equipment bookings, with the exception of our two WhisperRoom sound booths, which have a daily cap of 2 hours. If no one has requested to use the equipment once your time is complete we are happy to extend it, but cannot guarantee so beforehand.
Is there a quiet space to do a video recording or a photo shoot?
Depending on what's happening at the ideaMILL we can set up photography/video equipment in our classroom or craft room. However, if a program is taking place in either space, all photography/video equipment will be restricted to the main area of the ideaMILL. Make sure to check with our staff when booking to see what might be available for you.

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